On Nov. 5, the Avery County Firefighters Association gathered to recognize the a number of outstanding men from among the ranks of Avery County’s firefighters. More than 60 people, representing all the fire districts in Avery County, gathered at the Linville Volunteer Fire Dept. for the Association’s annual awards banquet.
An outstanding meal was prepared by firefighter Loretta Taylor of the Linville Fire Dept.
The Avery County Fire Officer of the Year was Tom Bookstaver from Seven Devils Fire Dept.
The Avery County Firefighter of the the Year was Joe Hawkins from Linville Vol. Fire Dept. Hawkins was selected as the firefighter of the year over all other firefighters in Avery County.
Jeremy Franklin of the Elk Park and Linville Fire Departments received a Heroism Award for pulling a elderly woman form a burning house. Franklin saved her life in the process. “I was just doing my job,” Franklin said.
David Taylor from Linville Fire Department was honored for 20 years of service.